1. click/tap the green addtask button and the new task popup should show up:
2. In the popup you have to fill out the at least the task name.
3. click or tap the grey strip (where you can see "Doesn't exist") to confirm the task name.
3.1. At this point you can tap the create button to create the task.
Be aware that If you leave the project name or the client name blank an uncategorized client and project will be created by the system.
5. tap on the gray strip (where you can see "Doesn't exist") to confirm the project
6. Repeat with the client:
7. Now the confirm button with the check sign should be enabed. With the check green. Click confirm and You will see the new project:
Remember that If you leave the project name or the client name blank an uncategorized client and project will be created by the system.